saya terdengar bunyi YahooMessenger kat bilik boss mat saleh ni.
he's one of the few people who are allowed to use YM here.
most of us do not have access to YM..kena block dgn IT department kat atas.
mereka tu mmg dengki...:P~
bila terdengar bunyi Ym tu teringat zaman mula2 ber-YM kat MMU.
almost everyone i know must have a YM Id or hotmail account hahah.
it's one of the most popular chatting application.
i am not so fond of ICQ tho..
but definitely a big fan of MIRC!
dari berchatting hingga lah mendownload.
tapi kat irc memula tu banyak chat..
meluahkan isi hati dan jiwa kacau semua kat kawan2 online.
they helped a lot! even tho we did not know them...
yg oversea tu mmg tak kenal secara zahir la..
semua secara digital ok...hantar2 gamba lah ... voice chat laa...
kelakar giler la kalau dipikirkan was one hell of an addiction!
anyhow, i do not know where i'd be without their kind words and support.
pc pon dah banyak kali crash kerana aktiviti online yg berlebihan hehehe.
i still love napster.. napster rocks!
nothing can beat napster.
you can find almost anything there,
& there's no spam or spyware ataupun benda2 halus yg bole meracun komputer kita...bersih..
downloading from imesh or kazaa or shareeza or irc had caused my pc to go haywired many times.
too bad napster's gone now..i wonder what happened to mr.napster now.
Napster for free? yeah right.
actually,i started buying CDs when i started using Napster.
it helped boost cd sells lah!
Bittorent is another cool downloading tool..Limewire too.
have you heard the new song from Kaer AF, Izinkan ku Pergi..?
(Lia Laici dah ada lagu tu dalam handfon dia tau!)
mak aih...i seperti biasa lah.. kan jiwang karat dan hopelessly romantik..
suka giler lah lagu tu hehehehehehe.suka sangat!!!
he made it sounds so emotional and touchy.
i wonder if the song would sound the same if siti nurhaliza..
ooppss..if Datuk Siti Nurhaliza sang it.
tapi jangan lah Anuar zain yg nyanyi..
kesian la i tengok dia kalau dia nyanyi,setiap kali dia nyanyi i mesti tutup mata..
tak sanggup tengok, macam kena sawan bak kata kawan ku si Ernie.
i tak pasti la dia menyanyi ke, dia menurun? hehehehe...
p/s: kepada peminat Anuar Zain, saya minta maaf lah ye..
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