waw i feel happy today dunno why.
actually hari ni rasa ngantuk sgt sbb semalam tak cukup tido.
my brothers made noises (playing games?) at night..
i woke up just to shut them up.
oh yes... i think i know why i'm happy.
minggu ni ada plan mendaki.
minggu depan ada plan mendaki..
dan juga minggu2 seterusnya.
trip gunung senyum pon tak sempat cerita lagi nih.
bukak iTunes and first song that i listened to is Sheila Majid's , Dia.
suka lah lagu tu..beberapa bulan yg lepas boleh dikira hari-hari saya dengar lagu ni hahah.
(sekarang hampir hari2 dgr lagu Ungu pulak ok semenjak naik Tabur itu hari!)
did you know she just gave birth to a healthy baby girl? at the age of 42? wawww...
i saw her maternity pictures in magazine...
Sheila Majid tetap nampak cute dan anggun walaupun sedang pregnant masa tu.
semalam jumpa apek,pinkie dan suhaila..

coklat tu mmg smart...tapi kan...saya macam tak sampai hati lah nak makan coklat tu.
but one day i will eat it of course hehe.
sebab itulah dah ambil gamba siap2 ni..
p/s: Rafidah happy nyer gamba anda hehehehe...hope u'll be all smiles and blessed.
another wedding i wanted so long to upload the pics but i haven't got the time.
it's Ninie's beautiful wedding, on saturday 28th April 2007 at KL Convention Centre.
wahhh dah lama nih...this post is sooooooooooooooo backdated hehehe.
jgn marah arrr Ninie.
congratulations again!

i could actually feel the love in the air you know! seriously! hehe.
cepat2 tambah JUNIORs ok! hehe.
may you're in bliss and blessed alwaysss.
p/s: their photos and videos on that night by manggis
from http://tercomel.blogspot.com
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