good morning everyone!
waw i feel happy today dunno why.
actually hari ni rasa ngantuk sgt sbb semalam tak cukup tido.
my brothers made noises (playing games?) at night..
i woke up just to shut them up.
oh yes... i think i know why i'm happy.
minggu ni ada plan mendaki.
minggu depan ada plan mendaki..
dan juga minggu2 seterusnya.
trip gunung senyum pon tak sempat cerita lagi nih.
bukak iTunes and first song that i listened to is Sheila Majid's , Dia.
suka lah lagu tu..beberapa bulan yg lepas boleh dikira hari-hari saya dengar lagu ni hahah.
(sekarang hampir hari2 dgr lagu Ungu pulak ok semenjak naik Tabur itu hari!)
did you know she just gave birth to a healthy baby girl? at the age of 42? wawww...
i saw her maternity pictures in magazine...
Sheila Majid tetap nampak cute dan anggun walaupun sedang pregnant masa tu.
semalam jumpa apek,pinkie dan suhaila..
suhaila gave me a chocolate bar courtesy from Rafidah the pengantin baru.
coklat tu mmg smart...tapi kan...saya macam tak sampai hati lah nak makan coklat tu.
but one day i will eat it of course hehe.
sebab itulah dah ambil gamba siap2 ni..
p/s: Rafidah happy nyer gamba anda hehehehe...hope u'll be all smiles and blessed.
another wedding i wanted so long to upload the pics but i haven't got the time.
it's Ninie's beautiful wedding, on saturday 28th April 2007 at KL Convention Centre.
wahhh dah lama nih...this post is sooooooooooooooo backdated hehehe.
jgn marah arrr Ninie.
congratulations again!
everything that night was smooth and wonderful.
i could actually feel the love in the air you know! seriously! hehe.
cepat2 tambah JUNIORs ok! hehe.
may you're in bliss and blessed alwaysss.
p/s: their photos and videos on that night by manggis
malam semalam sempat gak hadir ke majlis tahlil Arwah Pali bersama cik Azlia walaupun lambat.
ye lah...semalam tahlil, semalam jugak baru confirmed dgn Azlia nak pergi.
jadi kena lah balik subang dulu, amik kereta pastu pickup Azlia kat KLCC.
his parents looked so calm and composed.
walaupun ada riak sedih,tapi pada masa yg sama tenang dan redha dgn apa yg berlaku.
saya yg sebak melihat ketabahan mereka.
sesungguhnya arwah dikenali sebagai seorang insan yg baik hati dan berpekerti mulia.
he was loved by everyone who knew him.
semoga roh nya dicucuri rahmat.
tak perlu tunggu tahlil utk sedekahkah Fatihah dan Yassin kepada arwah.
we can do it everyday or every malam jumaat kan...
pada masa yg sama sedekah kepada arwah atuk nenek moyang dan saudara-mara yg telah meninggal dunia.
today is Thursday..tomorrow is HolyDay.
semalam pi jumpa Fuden, pinjam haversack dia.
for your info, saya takde haversack lagi,blom beli,kalau beli sekarg takut bajet lari utk bulan depan,nak pi Kinabalu...
Takut arrr nak panjat Kinabalu nih.. takut pewai..
tapi Bapak beriya-iya kata you can do it!
uuuhhhhhhh...Bapak ni mmg terrer psaiko lah...
baru berborak dgn Azlia nak pi majlis tahlil arwah Pali malam ni.
saya tak kenal pon arwah, setakat view Multiply jer sebelum ni...
tapi bila dgr berita tentang kembalinya Beliau ke Rahmatullah, tersentak jugak lah mendengarnya.
sesungguhnya ajal maut di tangan Tuhan...Life is so short isn't it...
bila bercakap mengenai people passing away, i remember one thing...
sampai sekarang menyesal dgn diri sendiri tentang perkara tersebut.
saya masih lagi terkilan kerana tak berjumpa dgn seseorg yg teringin sangat nak jumpa saya tapi apabila saya datang...adalah utk menghadiri majlis pengebumiannya.
i don't talked much about her, tapi sehingga kini masih rasa sedih dan menyesal sgt lah.
it made me swear to myself that i will never put aside such matter again.
kalau ada orang sakit ke atau ada majlis tahlil ke... saya sedaya-upaya jugak pergi.
i think i want to visit my Atok & Nenek in Kulai. lama dah tak jumpa..last jumpa raya tahun lepas...
they're so old already, & dah tak berapa sihat.
i miss my Nenek's kerepek pisang...nipis2 dan rangup sgt. she's a wonderful cook...
dalam tak larat tu pun masih lagi sorang2 masak ber periuk-periuk lauk utk anak-cucu masa raya.
my Atok is very quiet fella...i wish i can talk to him more...
(my brothers and Atok)
i just called my Nenek. she said my Atok is not feeling well..
dah 2 hari dia demam..
kesian Atok...Nenek dah tanya bila nak datang...uwaaaaaaa.
rasa macam nak ambil holiday and stay in kampung and learn all the kampung recipes from my Nenek.
tak mo lah resipi tradisional kita hilang di telan zaman kan?
dah la masyarakat melayu kita ni suka kedekut ilmu.
pantang orang lebih sikit mesti ada hasad dengki.
or should i invite them to stay with us in KL? tapi orang2 tua ni tak suka dok KL, habuk lah jem lah crowded lah...
kesian kat diaorg mesti rasa lemas.. orang tua2 ni lebih selesa duduk kat rumah sendiri senarnya.
senarnya saya pon rasa lemas kat kl tapi dah kena mencari rezeki apa nak buat..nasib baik dok kat subang..
itu pon subang makin melemaskan sbb dah bukak kawasan baru macam usj dan putra heights...kat tepi dan belakang subang parade bina lagi kondominiums dan apartments...ditambah lagi dgn fly-overs yg kurang guno tu sbb jaraknya tak sejauh yg kita harapkan..kalau nak buat flyover tu biarlah sampai ke USj terus kan kan kan..sabar jer kena buat u-turn jejauh.
gilos.....human kind is a parasite. they're really eating up the Earth.
setiap inci kawasan di muka bumi ni mereka nak duduki, & eksploitasi.
mereka beranak-pinak hingga out-of-control dan makan sumber2 kat Bumi sehabis-baik.
manusia memang power kan...ada power pemusnah har har har.
before the Earth die we must take action to save the Planet.
how? *sighs...
but i like this Vanity Fair cover with Leo Dicaprio...
p/s: he's my fav actor (besides Johnny Depp)..
this guy can act i tell u.
these pictures were taken in IceLand..beautiful isnt't it..anyway... the ice is melting and sea level is rising...
itu pasal la Paitot bagitau kitaorg hari tu yg Gunung Senyum makin merendah....aktiviti ke Gng. Senyum...? nanti saya cerita.
hello there...
how are you today?
feeling good? feeling alright? or are you feeling bitter & helpless?
kalau di Sinar FM hampir setiap pagi DJ-DJ tu ajak pendengar bercerita mengenai EMOSI.
contohnya, apakah emosi anda hari ini? adakah anda berasa gembira? terharu? sedih?
marah? ceritakan dan kongsi bersama kami di Sinar Pagi. Dail 03-95432000 atau layari www dot sinar dot fm.
kekekeke...i was trying to imitate DJ HO & DJ Rina..not so much a fan of them, i prefer to listen to Salih Yaakob...dia tu mmg kelakar...secara semulajadi.entah bila agaknya dia akan kembali ke Sinar FM.
so what do i want to talk about?
i am about to reveal the gloomy reality about me.
i may be smiling a lot but the truth is i may not be smiling at all.
been in a lot of stress and pressure lately,in fact, been in a lot of stress and pressure always..
i don't know if i could take it.
i'm not sure if the people in my office noticed, but they keep asking me,"Wana are you ok?",
"Wana how are you?", "Wana are you feeling alright?" ..the usuals.
i feel stuck and i can't get out.
i can't forget the past, i am very much stagnant in the present, and i can't seem to move forward either.
i am very much trapped in my own history.
it is making me sick...and it is eating me up within..pretty slowly but surely.
i always keep forgetting things, i can't even complete a simple task, i frown a lot and shed tears often.
i keep telling me to get a good grip of myself.. to let things be and learn to fogive & forget.
to be strong and to be un-affected whatever may be.
but i couldn't.
i cannot forget, and i certainly have not forgive.
of course, if you can't forgive how can you forget right?
i keep putting the blame on other people or situations when things went wrong.
i am angry to the people who had made me so sad.
i cannot forgive them.
so much regret, so much remorse inside me.
one of the reasons i joined climbing is because i want to runaway.
i want to get all these regrets,stress, pressure and anger out of my system.
when u climb u don't think.
your brain will only concentrate on your body to survive.
it keep telling your body to keep going or else you'll die up there hehe.
i just ceased to think about life when i climb.
it just feel good to be able to finish the climb, to reach the top and to savour the beautiful surroundings.
it helps me to recap how wonderful life actually is.
it helps to jog my memory how much joy life could offer.
it helps to remind me to be thankful for the things i have, and not to lament over things that i don't have or have lost.
i told the person who often invited me to climb that i wish to climb again this week.
i don't like going to work and don't want to go to work.
but he just laughed and said..."kalau time kerja kena lah kerja".
ermmm...i think what he's trying to say is "you have a life to live. you have to go to work,you've got to spend time with your family. bila time aktiviti baru la aktiviti".
hehe..betul tak? it's just that i find it difficult to breathe.
the only thing that keep me looking forward for everyday to pass by is climbing.
do i feel better now?
for a moment yes.
my office mates just asked me to go to lunch but i refused. i just want to be left alone.
but when people pass by me & say hi i will definitely smile back and say hi... (^_^)
susah gak duduk dekat dgn pintu..semua org lalu pass my cubicle...mcm receptionist pulak...tak suka orang ramai lalu depan my desk..tapi apa nak buat.
i had been tagged by Ajie and Pia..tapi tak dapat bukak lah Tag tu sbb kena block..nanti2 lah ek when i get the chance..
wish you'll have a good day.