apa2 plan pun tak boleh buat ok..
i am not sure what happened to me but ever since i got here last Friday my eyes hurts...they are red! my colleague who took the same flight as mine also suffers the same thing..our eyes are plain tired of the surrounding maybe? air pollution? argh dunno really.
downloading New Kids on the Block videos..ahhh the good old days!
how i missed my younger days!!! :P~

those days anything we did was fun and

*thanks oldschool for the cartoons' themes!!

i remembered wearing thick eyeliner during school and also in Uni...

(I love Nirvana)
No.. i was not trying to copy Kurt Cobain.. i just love the eyeliner.. i got a big crush on eyeliner.. eyeliner is like a facade,or masquerade..my real emotions won't show with the thick eyeliner..
ok ok ok .. i hate to admit it, tapi sekarang terbongkar la rahsia kenapa saya pakai celak tebal-tebal.
nothing to do with being grunge or what.. it's just i love thick eyeliner! until now i still do tapi macam tak sesuai pulak dgn keje aku..kengkadang je aku pakai.
*aku tau Ernie,ko mmg suka gelakkan aku tapi aku tetap sayang ko aku tak tau kenapa...sbb aku rasa ko ni mmg jenis spread love kot hehehe...your big heart has embraced me right from the day we met (poyo!!! padahal ko la antara org pertama yg gelakkan aku masa darjah 5 dulu)... but anyway,thank you for being you! :)
when i was eating at a restaurant with my colleague just now, ada lah bebudak UPM kat sini makan kat meja sebelah.. watching them talking and laughing about the tinniest and silliest thing made me reminisce my childhood, my adolescence, university years (even though those days were really bleak)..but still i'm alive and have so much to be thankful for..
bila pikir balik, syok la masa dulu..lagu2 dulu2 pon syok...layan jiwang,layan sentimental, layan metal, layan mental hahaha...semua layan la wa cakap lu.
i'm going hiking weekend ni no matter what... i know i know i am not fit.. but i am going to try anyway..
piah dah start yoga..jangan main-main..lepas ni badan Piah bule lipat-lipat la ... kepak sana-sini ... pergh hebat.
aku? aku yoga dlm tido jer.
oiii..kot ye pon jgn ler wat annaouncement pasal aku :P~ huhuhuhu
kaw kaw kawww
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