Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wanted : Female kittens

saya sedang mencari anak kucing betina.
sesiapa yang nak bagi kucing betina pada saya,
sila la mesej saya ye!!! please!

tapi kucing anda mesti lah tak suka mencakar.
sebab saya tak pernah kena cakar dengan kucing-kucing saya.
jadi bila kena cakar dengan kucing lain terasa pelik hehe.

(this was my brother with all 3 a few months ago while the cats were still young)

i am looking for 2 female kittens, need to breed my current half-persian male cats..in this picture, there were 3, but now only left 2 because 1 was stolen??? well it went missing anyway..the M.I.A one name was Bluey because he has a pair of blue eyes..Now left Brownie and 2-eye.

if you wish to give away your female kittens pleaseee let me know..
but your kitten/cat must not be the type that scratch unnecessarily.
fyi, i was never scratched by any of my cats.

Contact me. Thank you. I highly appreciate it.

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Subang Jaya
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