i have a dell laptop given by the company i work with.
it is not given as in it is mine forever and ever, noooo!
it is not given for personal use, but for work purposes only :P~
anyhow, i realized that i cannot be using the laptop for too long.
i sensed that the heat coming from the battery is making me nauseated and disoriented.
i feel very sick, i want to vomit, and i suffer terrible headache.
enough to make me feel under the weather daily at the office or at home!

it must be the heat radiation from the battery.
so now, every time i type,
i will be very careful not to press my hands on edges of the keyboard (which my lazy hands always lay themselves on it)..
i have to elevate my hands and type..which is very tiring,
but i believe doing this can prevent the sickness that i have been suffering every time i spend long hours on the laptop.
so it is true.
while technology makes life simpler and easier and allows us to do things faster, it has an ugly side too.
electric appliances like television, radio, personal desktop (and laptop!), phone charges, lights and lamps, all produce radiation.
though it is in small amount and naked to the eye, accumulated them in years at a snail's pace, and it will be sufficient to make you unwell...or sick.
back to basics hehe...aduhh...i miss camping...rindukan ketenangan di hutan yang aman damai itu..
i am worried that this tiny winy radiation could help to launch the dormant cancer cells in my body to be come active.
and the way i eat everyday would do more to cultivate the unwanted cells.
yeeeeeeeeppss! now i do not want that!

can you see the difference between these two
i can...looks like a minor defect, but it could cause a deadly effect!
plus, i always get this irritating,tingling,jolting (I'm serious, j-o-l-t-i-n-g) experience whenever i get near the monitor.
to be precise : electrostatics, on my hands and even on my face.
i always wonder why does this happen? i do not like it!
i think my body is definitely sensitive to unwanted elements such as this stupid radiation.
my body is giving warning to me : Stay Away!
this mean less time in front of PC or laptop and even TV?
i always sleep with the lights on...now i have to sleep with lights off.
i always charge my hand phone before i go to sleep, and put the phone right beside me.
and the PC or laptop is always on all night long.
time for a change in my daily habits.
what are you daily habits that need changes?
do list down (^_^)