my friend handed me a NST's newspaper clipping about Kinabalu.
dengar-dengar kos ke Kinabalu naik harga, tapi di sana sudah tambah route utk naik ke puncak nye..
masa pi kinabalu nampak jambatan gantung tu tapi masa tu takde idea jambatan tu utk apa...sekarang baru tau jambatan tu bukan untuk trekking biasa tapi untuk naik Kinabalu via ferrata..
***A via ferrata (Italian for “iron road”. Plural vie ferrate. In German, klettersteig) is a mountain route which is equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges. The use of these allows otherwise isolated routes to be joined to create longer routes which are accessible to people with a wide range of climbing abilities. Walkers and climbers can follow via ferratas without needing to use their own ropes and belays, and without the risks associated with unprotected scrambling and climbing. - Wikipedia***
i found and interesting blog on this new route..
please check out :
p/s: pictures taken from the blog above.
dari News Straits Times:
this is the company that setup the trail and provide the ferrate service:
my friend is going next month.. i soooo wish i could follow her.
sape-sape nak naik via ferrata???
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