Pada suatu hari, Imam Al Ghozali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya.
Lalu Imam Al Ghazali bertanya.
Pertama ,"Apa yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab "orang tua, guru, kawan, dan sahabatnya".
Imam Ghozali menjelaskan semua jawapan itu benar.
Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita adalah "MATI".
Sebab itu sememangnya janji Allah SWT bahwa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati. (Ali Imran 185)
Lalu Imam Ghazali meneruskan pertanyaan yang kedua.
"Apa yang paling jauh dari diri kita di dunia ini?".
Murid -muridnya menjawab "negara Cina, bulan, matahari dan bintang-bintang".
Lalu Imam Ghazali menjelaskan bahawa semua jawapan yang mereka berikan itu adalah benar.
Tapi yang paling benar adalah "MASA LALU".
Walau dengan apa cara sekalipun kita tidak dapat kembali ke masa lalu.
Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama.
Lalu Imam Ghazali meneruskan dengan pertanyaan yang ketiga.
" Apa yang paling besar di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawah "gunung, bumi dan matahari".
Semua jawapan itu benar kata Imam Ghazali.
Tapi yang paling besar daripada yang ada di dunia ini adalah "NAFSU" (Al A'Raf 179).
Maka kita harus berhati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu membawa kita ke neraka.
Pertanyaan keempat adalah, " Apa yang paling berat di dunia ini?".
Ada yang menjawab "besi dan gajah".
Semua jawapan adalah benar, kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling berat adalah "MEMEGANG AMANAH" (Al-Ahzab 72).
Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka untuk menjadi kalifah (pemimpin) di dunia ini.
Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT, sehingga banyak daripada manusia masuk ke neraka karena tidak dapat memegang amanahnya.
Pertanyaan yang kelima adalah, " Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini?".
Ada yang menjawab "kapas, angin, debu dan daun-daunan".
Semua itu benar kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling ringan di dunia ini adalah "MENINGGALKAN SOLAT".
Gara-gara pekerjaan kita meninggalkan solat, gara-gara bermesyuarat kita meninggalkan solat.
Dan pertanyaan keenam adalah, " Apakah yang paling tajam di dunia ini?".
Murid-muridnya menjawab dengan serentak, "pedang".
Benar kata Imam Ghazali, tapi yang paling tajam adalah "LIDAH MANUSIA".
Kerana melalui lidah, Manusia selalunya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Slow Down Culture
i got this from an email i think..
worth reading...and practising! if you could of course.
kesimpulannya..lagi kurang kerja lagi bagus?
hehhe tidak..kesimpulannya...use your resources wisely & jgn kiasu..huhuhu
Slow Down Culture (Anonymous)
It's been 18 years since I joined Volvo, a Swedish company.
Working for them has proven to be an interesting experience.
Any project here takes 2 years to be finalized, even if the idea is simple and brilliant. It's a rule.
Global processes have caused in us (all over the world) a general sense of searching for immediate results.
Therefore, we have come to posses a need to see immediate results.
This contrasts greatly with the slow movements of the Swedish.
They, on the other hand, debate, debate, debate, hold x quantity of meetings and work with a slowdown scheme. At the end, this always yields better results.
Said in another words:
1. Sweden is about the size of San Pablo, a state in Brazil.
2. Sweden has 2 million inhabitants.
3. Stockholm has 500,000 people.
4. Volvo, Escania, Ericsson, Electrolux, Nokia are some of its renowned companies.
Volvo supplies the NASA.
The first time I was in Sweden, one of my colleagues picked me up at the hotel every morning.
It was September, bit cold and snowy.
We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work).
The first day, I didn't say anything,neither the second or third.
One morning I asked, "Do you have a fixed parking space?
I've noticed we park far from the entrance even when there are no other cars in the lot."
To which he replied, "Since we're here early we'll have time to walk, and whoever gets in late will be late and need a place closer to the door. Don't you think?"
Imagine my face.
Nowadays, there's a movement in Europe name Slow Food.
This movement establishes that people should eat and drink slowly, with enough time to taste their food, spend time with the family, friends, without rushing.
Slow Food is against its counterpart: the spirit of Fast Food and what it stands for as a lifestyle.
Slow Food is the basis for a bigger movement called Slow Europe, as mentioned by Business Week.
Basically, the movement questions the sense of "hurry" and "craziness" generated by globalization, fueled by the desire of "having in quantity" (life status) versus "having with quality", "life quality" or the "qualityof being".
French people, even though they work 35 hours per week, are more productive than Americans or British.
Germans have established 28.8 hour workweeks and have seen their productivity been driven up by 20%.
This slow attitude has brought forth the US's attention, pupils of the fast and the "do it now!"
This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having lower productivity.
It means working and doing things with greater quality, productivity, perfection, with attention to detail and less stress.
It means reestablishing family values, friends, free and leisure time.
Taking the "now," present and concrete, versus the "global", undefined and anonymous.
It means taking essential values, the simplicity of living.
It stands for a less coercive work environment, more happy, lighter and more productive where humans enjoy doing what they know best how to do.
It's time to stop and think on how companies need to develop serious quality with no-rush that will increase productivity and the quality of products and services, without losing the essence of spirit.
In the movie, Scent of a Woman, there's a scene where Al Pacino asks a girl to dance and she replies, "I can't, my boyfriend will be here any minute now".
To which Al responds, "A life is lived in an instant". Then they dance to a tango.
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time.
Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present,which is the only time that truly exists.
We all have equal time throughout the world.
No one has more or less.
The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time.
We need to live each moment. As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
Congratulations for reading till the end of this message. There are many who will have stopped in the middle so as not to waste time in this globalized world.
worth reading...and practising! if you could of course.
kesimpulannya..lagi kurang kerja lagi bagus?
hehhe tidak..kesimpulannya...use your resources wisely & jgn kiasu..huhuhu
Slow Down Culture (Anonymous)
It's been 18 years since I joined Volvo, a Swedish company.
Working for them has proven to be an interesting experience.
Any project here takes 2 years to be finalized, even if the idea is simple and brilliant. It's a rule.
Global processes have caused in us (all over the world) a general sense of searching for immediate results.
Therefore, we have come to posses a need to see immediate results.
This contrasts greatly with the slow movements of the Swedish.
They, on the other hand, debate, debate, debate, hold x quantity of meetings and work with a slowdown scheme. At the end, this always yields better results.
Said in another words:
1. Sweden is about the size of San Pablo, a state in Brazil.
2. Sweden has 2 million inhabitants.
3. Stockholm has 500,000 people.
4. Volvo, Escania, Ericsson, Electrolux, Nokia are some of its renowned companies.
Volvo supplies the NASA.
The first time I was in Sweden, one of my colleagues picked me up at the hotel every morning.
It was September, bit cold and snowy.
We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work).
The first day, I didn't say anything,neither the second or third.
One morning I asked, "Do you have a fixed parking space?
I've noticed we park far from the entrance even when there are no other cars in the lot."
To which he replied, "Since we're here early we'll have time to walk, and whoever gets in late will be late and need a place closer to the door. Don't you think?"
Imagine my face.
Nowadays, there's a movement in Europe name Slow Food.
This movement establishes that people should eat and drink slowly, with enough time to taste their food, spend time with the family, friends, without rushing.
Slow Food is against its counterpart: the spirit of Fast Food and what it stands for as a lifestyle.
Slow Food is the basis for a bigger movement called Slow Europe, as mentioned by Business Week.
Basically, the movement questions the sense of "hurry" and "craziness" generated by globalization, fueled by the desire of "having in quantity" (life status) versus "having with quality", "life quality" or the "qualityof being".
French people, even though they work 35 hours per week, are more productive than Americans or British.
Germans have established 28.8 hour workweeks and have seen their productivity been driven up by 20%.
This slow attitude has brought forth the US's attention, pupils of the fast and the "do it now!"
This no-rush attitude doesn't represent doing less or having lower productivity.
It means working and doing things with greater quality, productivity, perfection, with attention to detail and less stress.
It means reestablishing family values, friends, free and leisure time.
Taking the "now," present and concrete, versus the "global", undefined and anonymous.
It means taking essential values, the simplicity of living.
It stands for a less coercive work environment, more happy, lighter and more productive where humans enjoy doing what they know best how to do.
It's time to stop and think on how companies need to develop serious quality with no-rush that will increase productivity and the quality of products and services, without losing the essence of spirit.
In the movie, Scent of a Woman, there's a scene where Al Pacino asks a girl to dance and she replies, "I can't, my boyfriend will be here any minute now".
To which Al responds, "A life is lived in an instant". Then they dance to a tango.
Many of us live our lives running behind time, but we only reach it when we die of a heart attack or in a car accident rushing to be on time.
Others are so anxious of living the future that they forget to live the present,which is the only time that truly exists.
We all have equal time throughout the world.
No one has more or less.
The difference lies in how each one of us does with our time.
We need to live each moment. As John Lennon said, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
Congratulations for reading till the end of this message. There are many who will have stopped in the middle so as not to waste time in this globalized world.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
outdoor trips
ada trip ke Gunung Bunga Bunga---> serangan pacat dan cabaran berlumpur...first time kena gigit pacat ok!
ada trip ke Bukit Kutu ---> training utk mendaki Gunung Kinabalu..
dan seterusnya trip ke Kinabalu....---> best sangat! rasa macam masih bercuti jer :P~
tak sabar nak kumpul gamba2 dari rakan2 yg telah menjayakan trip itu.
akan bersambung....
ada trip ke Bukit Kutu ---> training utk mendaki Gunung Kinabalu..
dan seterusnya trip ke Kinabalu....---> best sangat! rasa macam masih bercuti jer :P~
tak sabar nak kumpul gamba2 dari rakan2 yg telah menjayakan trip itu.
akan bersambung....
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
silent hero...dying breed
yesterday morning,
my dearest cute friend Ernie called up just to tell me a story.
(Ernie pls forgive me if i'm wrong coz masa ko cakap tu tak clear sikit sbb ada org kat tepi aku bercakap2 jugak hehe) tadi pagi jem kat jalan nak pi Glenmarie.
ada kereta rosak kat tengah2 traffic lights tu jadi semua kereta dah kena block from all directions.
tetiba ada seorang nyonya tua, rupanya macam orang dah pencen lah, keluar dari kereta dan terus kawal trafik..
dia merangkap Polis Trafik Terjun lah kiranya tu.. and my friend said she's doing a good job and amazingly every driver there followed the Nyonya's instructions.
my friend pon sama dgn patuhnya mengikut arahan Nyonya tersebut hehe.
disebabkan keikhlasan Nyonya tu trafik di jalan tersebut terkawal...kalau tak..jem,beratur panjang tak hingat.
10.33am : Ernie just sms-ed me, dia kata abg despatch kat ofis dia bagitau Nyonya tu lama control traffic kat situ.
Kat kol 10am tadi baru polis trafik yg sebenar sampai!
fuh...caya lah kat Nyonya tadi...tak ramai manusia yg macam ni,
lebih2 lagi kat Malaysia ni where we thought everyone is kiasu.
boleh dapat PJK (Pingat Jasa Kebaktian) tu....:P~
Ernie called this Nyonya .. Silent Hero...they are very rare and a Dying Breed..
meaning orang2 yg ikhlas macam ni semakin hari semakin hilang.
one day they will be gone.
cuba kira, berapa kerat sgt lah yg sanggup berhenti tepi jalan tolong orang lain repair kereta rosak?
berapa kerat yg sanggup sacrifice time and money and energy to help others?
ada memang ada..but living in a metropolis world make us become more individualistic than ever..
everything is about oneself.
Ernie also introduced me (takde lah introduced senarnya dia tunjuk kan ajer)..
seorang Nyonya lagi kat Subang Jaya yg hari-hari kasi kucing makan.
Ernie, Alin and me were 'lepaking' kat Syed SS 19 SJ tu when suddenly a car parked near us.
Ernie terus cakap " ahhh ko tengok ek Nyonya ni, ko tunggu..dia hari-hari kasi kucing2 kat sini makan.
Kucing2 ni macam anak2 dia..tiap2 hari kasi makan tak pernah miss!"
Ernie was damn right! Nyonya tu keluar kereta, pastu entah dari mana ntah kucing2 meluru kat dia.
they know that this Nyonya came for them.
pastu Nyonya tu bercakap2 pulak dgn kucing2 tu..."hungry ah hungry ah wait lah wait..i give you i give you..don't fight"
ermmm...pastu dia pon kluarkan kertas suratkhabar dan tabur nasi goreng kat situ..
kucing2 tu pon berebut makan..kalau ada kucing membuli kucing lain Nyonya tu akan marah kucing tu.
huhhh....thought i find this lady weird, but somehow she's being cats in particular!
well...not everyone would give away food to cats for free.
i wonder if she's generally nice to Human too? hehe.
tapi ini takde lah dapat PJK...hehe.
Alleycats Loga passed away
His passing is a HUGE lost to the country's entertainment industry and Irreplaceable.
Terus-terang saya katakan saya amat meminati lagu2 oleh artis2 kita dari era sebelum abad ke 21 ni..
the songs from R.Azmi, P.Ramlee,Sudirman, up to the rock bands macam XPDC,Wings,Search dan setara dgn mereka memang best...berkualiti...menyentuh perasaan..u can feel the honesty and sincerity from the music.
their songs are evergreen.
but now...susah nak cari lagu2 yg boleh "go" ...
arena musik Malaysia lebih dikuasai oleh artis2 Indonesia dan barat.
ada beberapa kerat lah macam Misha Omar dan Siti Nurhalizot tapi tak se-booming artis2 dari luar.
Sheila Majid dan P.Ramlee dulu pon glamer kat oversea tapi sekarg ?
bukannya artis2 kat Malaysia ni takde bakat, tapi artis2 yg baru naik ni lebih glamer drpd bakat dan cinta pada bidang seni itu sendiri.
they don't have the natural talent and they just don't have the Passion!
they are not Entertaining...they kasi Kepala Pening.
Such a waste of time,money and resources.
daripada diaorang menyanyi lah berlakon lah kan,
baik diaorang sambung belajar, cari kerja elok2 , berkhidmat kepada Negara! adalah lebih baik.
Negara kita dah lah kekurangan pekerja dalam semua bidang.
we are lacking of Doctors, Nurses, Soldiers, Polices, Scientists, Teachers, dan lain2 pekerjaan bukan 'kolar putih' seperti bahagian buruh dan pembantu rumah juga amat-amat kurang.
Ahli2 politik juga kurang kerana yg ada sekarang pon tidak berkualiti dan perlu diganti...:P~
zaman80an dulu pada saya adalah zaman..
hmmm caner nak kata ek..macam harmoni sangatlah masyarakat kat Malaysia ni..
bahasa Malaysia sememangnya di angkat sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaaan kerana yg warganegara yg bukan melayu mencipta dan menyanyikan lagu2 semua dalam bahasa Malaysia (yg asalnya bahasa melayu lah kan).
Contohnya Alleycats,Gingerbread, Flybaits, Headwind, Kenny,Remy & Martin,Francesca Peters,Roy Sta Maria,Ben Nathan, DJ Dave dan etc etc etc...Sekarang???
oh ye..FYI (for your information) Mr Loga died of Lung Cancer...bacalah petikan akhbar tu dan anda tahu dia dah berhenti merokok sejak 15 tahun lepas tapi masih lagi mati diserang kanser peparu...
a disturbing fact isn't it?
my dearest cute friend Ernie called up just to tell me a story.
(Ernie pls forgive me if i'm wrong coz masa ko cakap tu tak clear sikit sbb ada org kat tepi aku bercakap2 jugak hehe) tadi pagi jem kat jalan nak pi Glenmarie.
ada kereta rosak kat tengah2 traffic lights tu jadi semua kereta dah kena block from all directions.
tetiba ada seorang nyonya tua, rupanya macam orang dah pencen lah, keluar dari kereta dan terus kawal trafik..
dia merangkap Polis Trafik Terjun lah kiranya tu.. and my friend said she's doing a good job and amazingly every driver there followed the Nyonya's instructions.
my friend pon sama dgn patuhnya mengikut arahan Nyonya tersebut hehe.
disebabkan keikhlasan Nyonya tu trafik di jalan tersebut terkawal...kalau tak..jem,beratur panjang tak hingat.
10.33am : Ernie just sms-ed me, dia kata abg despatch kat ofis dia bagitau Nyonya tu lama control traffic kat situ.
Kat kol 10am tadi baru polis trafik yg sebenar sampai!
fuh...caya lah kat Nyonya tadi...tak ramai manusia yg macam ni,
lebih2 lagi kat Malaysia ni where we thought everyone is kiasu.
boleh dapat PJK (Pingat Jasa Kebaktian) tu....:P~
Ernie called this Nyonya .. Silent Hero...they are very rare and a Dying Breed..
meaning orang2 yg ikhlas macam ni semakin hari semakin hilang.
one day they will be gone.
cuba kira, berapa kerat sgt lah yg sanggup berhenti tepi jalan tolong orang lain repair kereta rosak?
berapa kerat yg sanggup sacrifice time and money and energy to help others?
ada memang ada..but living in a metropolis world make us become more individualistic than ever..
everything is about oneself.
Ernie also introduced me (takde lah introduced senarnya dia tunjuk kan ajer)..
seorang Nyonya lagi kat Subang Jaya yg hari-hari kasi kucing makan.
Ernie, Alin and me were 'lepaking' kat Syed SS 19 SJ tu when suddenly a car parked near us.
Ernie terus cakap " ahhh ko tengok ek Nyonya ni, ko tunggu..dia hari-hari kasi kucing2 kat sini makan.
Kucing2 ni macam anak2 dia..tiap2 hari kasi makan tak pernah miss!"
Ernie was damn right! Nyonya tu keluar kereta, pastu entah dari mana ntah kucing2 meluru kat dia.
they know that this Nyonya came for them.
pastu Nyonya tu bercakap2 pulak dgn kucing2 tu..."hungry ah hungry ah wait lah wait..i give you i give you..don't fight"
ermmm...pastu dia pon kluarkan kertas suratkhabar dan tabur nasi goreng kat situ..
kucing2 tu pon berebut makan..kalau ada kucing membuli kucing lain Nyonya tu akan marah kucing tu.
huhhh....thought i find this lady weird, but somehow she's being cats in particular!
well...not everyone would give away food to cats for free.
i wonder if she's generally nice to Human too? hehe.
tapi ini takde lah dapat PJK...hehe.
Alleycats Loga passed away

Terus-terang saya katakan saya amat meminati lagu2 oleh artis2 kita dari era sebelum abad ke 21 ni..
the songs from R.Azmi, P.Ramlee,Sudirman, up to the rock bands macam XPDC,Wings,Search dan setara dgn mereka memang best...berkualiti...menyentuh perasaan..u can feel the honesty and sincerity from the music.
their songs are evergreen.
but now...susah nak cari lagu2 yg boleh "go" ...
arena musik Malaysia lebih dikuasai oleh artis2 Indonesia dan barat.
ada beberapa kerat lah macam Misha Omar dan Siti Nurhalizot tapi tak se-booming artis2 dari luar.
Sheila Majid dan P.Ramlee dulu pon glamer kat oversea tapi sekarg ?
bukannya artis2 kat Malaysia ni takde bakat, tapi artis2 yg baru naik ni lebih glamer drpd bakat dan cinta pada bidang seni itu sendiri.
they don't have the natural talent and they just don't have the Passion!
they are not Entertaining...they kasi Kepala Pening.
Such a waste of time,money and resources.
daripada diaorang menyanyi lah berlakon lah kan,
baik diaorang sambung belajar, cari kerja elok2 , berkhidmat kepada Negara! adalah lebih baik.
Negara kita dah lah kekurangan pekerja dalam semua bidang.
we are lacking of Doctors, Nurses, Soldiers, Polices, Scientists, Teachers, dan lain2 pekerjaan bukan 'kolar putih' seperti bahagian buruh dan pembantu rumah juga amat-amat kurang.
Ahli2 politik juga kurang kerana yg ada sekarang pon tidak berkualiti dan perlu diganti...:P~
zaman80an dulu pada saya adalah zaman..
hmmm caner nak kata ek..macam harmoni sangatlah masyarakat kat Malaysia ni..
bahasa Malaysia sememangnya di angkat sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaaan kerana yg warganegara yg bukan melayu mencipta dan menyanyikan lagu2 semua dalam bahasa Malaysia (yg asalnya bahasa melayu lah kan).
Contohnya Alleycats,Gingerbread, Flybaits, Headwind, Kenny,Remy & Martin,Francesca Peters,Roy Sta Maria,Ben Nathan, DJ Dave dan etc etc etc...Sekarang???
oh ye..FYI (for your information) Mr Loga died of Lung Cancer...bacalah petikan akhbar tu dan anda tahu dia dah berhenti merokok sejak 15 tahun lepas tapi masih lagi mati diserang kanser peparu...
a disturbing fact isn't it?
Monday, June 4, 2007
Gua2 dan Gunung Senyum 18-20 May 2007
(This post is long overdue...)
"for climbers only" itu lah kata Bapak.
trip ni memang menarik...santai bak kata Bapak.
Hari pertama berjalan2 satu hari suntuk meneroka gua2, hari kedua baru mendaki ke puncak Gunung Senyum.
trip ni memula ingat hari sabtu, tapi hari jumaat tu Bapak sms tanya pollow tak malam ni?
tak tau pulak kena gerak jumaat malam, ada janji nak karaoke dgn member2 malam tu jadi kensel lah.
pendakian 9orang ini diketuai oleh Bapak, diterajui oleh Paitot sebagai guide pencinta Gunung Senyum hehe, Raja Mongkut bersama tongkat hikmat, Encik Panther yg gayat, Encik Petai yg baik hati, Encik Nazry pembawa air, Cik Aida yg slim, Cik Mira Ilola pendaki segar yg seronok gelongsor and me.
waited for Bapak to pick me up at komuter station.
Masa nak letak beg kat belakang jer masa tu jugak Bapak show-off kamera baru dia...ummmppphh chitttt.
Kami semua bergerak ke Temerloh,Pahang mengikut Karak highway kot.
saya kalau pasal jalan ni mmg ada unsur2 tak boleh harap sikit...
Bapak mmg drift memanjang lah kekekeke...
Aida tido jer sbb dia dah mengantuk dan dah biasa..
me menikmati jer drift2 tu hehehe.
Kawasan Rekreasi dan Pusat Renjer telah ditubuhkan untuk Gng. Senyum.
malam tu tido kat tempat orang beri ucapan kat tempat rekreasi tu..simen tiles tu mmg sejuk.
saya dgn bermurah hati telah memberi sleeping bag kepada Petai sbb tak sampai hati tengok dia tido bersejuk.
ingat kan cukup panas lah dgn jaket bulu angsa Bapak..
tapi pastu ada sikit2 unsur buruk siku gak lah sbb tak tahan sejuk simen tu kan hahahaha..padan muka.
Thanks Bapak sbb kasi clarimat.
so the gents tested their cameras..
Bapak,Panther dan Nazry tak habis2 amik gamba serangga yg berkumpul kat lampu tu.
esok pagi nya selepas memasang fly dan makan sandwhich kami bergerak untuk meninjau gua2 di situ.
mengikut Paitot ada paling kurang 20 buah gua batu kapur di kawasan sekitar itu.
mmg seharian meninjau gua2 lah i tell u...
paling saya takut Gua Tok Long yg ada makam tu..tak berani lah i!
kita boleh melihat batu karang pernah hidup di dinding2 gua2 ini.
ini kerana gua2 ini sebenarnya adalah Dasar Laut pada jutaan tahun dahulu.
when the Tectonic Plates seperated and built the world we live in today,
some parts of the bottom of the sea moved, collided, and were pushed up,
menjadi tanah2 tinggi,gunung ganang dan banjaran2 yg kita lihat sekarang.
itu lah ciptaan Tuhan..we can never emulate that.

ada satu part tu tinggi sangat Mira Ilola mmg tak mahu naik pada asalnya.
tapi Bapak boleh psaiko dia sehingga lah Mira sampai ke atas ... cayalah!
apa yg cayalah? Cayalah Bapak ke cayalah Mira?
cayalah Bapak power psaiko dan cayalah Mira kerana berjaya memanjat batu yg curam itu! yeay!
tapi nasib baik dapat start akhirnya..last call itu berjaya! yeay!
kalau tak kena la rentas ladang sawit jalan kaki lebih kurang satu jam...errkk.
the climb was awesome.
it was fun...but dangerous of course!
"byk batu2 bergerak" pesan Paitot.
semua ala2 spiderman lahhh me merangkak-rangkak memanjat batu2 nak ke atas..
hari agak panas lah sebab mula naik pon pukul 11 lebih...
semua orang kehabisan air kecuali air yg belum masak yg dibawa oleh Nazry...
tu yg Bapak buat masak bihun dan air kopi tu...sedapnyaaaa.
walaupun pendakian mengambil masa lebih dari 2 jam setengah seperti yg dibajet oleh Paitot,
(agak2 dalam 4 jam kot)
but the view was wonderful..we were lucky the weather was good..
puas lah tengok pemandangan kat atas tu...
Bapak kata "kita naik untuk ini jer? 485 meter?" kekekekek..
masa berjalan turun Bapak,Panther,Aida dan Petai turun last...sempatlah diaorg kena hujan! hehehehe...seronok Mira sebab dapat menggelongsor ke bawah terus...we were lucky that they managed to passed the air mata darah cliff just before it rains...Terima kasih Petai kerana tolong bungkuskan handfon!
all in all it was great...
alhamdullilah semua ok and we went back happy walaupun Petai dan Bapak dah lambat masuk kerja hehehehe...
Thank you everyone!
from to
"for climbers only" itu lah kata Bapak.
trip ni memang menarik...santai bak kata Bapak.
Hari pertama berjalan2 satu hari suntuk meneroka gua2, hari kedua baru mendaki ke puncak Gunung Senyum.
trip ni memula ingat hari sabtu, tapi hari jumaat tu Bapak sms tanya pollow tak malam ni?
tak tau pulak kena gerak jumaat malam, ada janji nak karaoke dgn member2 malam tu jadi kensel lah.
pendakian 9orang ini diketuai oleh Bapak, diterajui oleh Paitot sebagai guide pencinta Gunung Senyum hehe, Raja Mongkut bersama tongkat hikmat, Encik Panther yg gayat, Encik Petai yg baik hati, Encik Nazry pembawa air, Cik Aida yg slim, Cik Mira Ilola pendaki segar yg seronok gelongsor and me.
(sedang duduk2 di kemsite tika baru nak meneroka Gua2)
Masa nak letak beg kat belakang jer masa tu jugak Bapak show-off kamera baru dia...ummmppphh chitttt.
Kami semua bergerak ke Temerloh,Pahang mengikut Karak highway kot.
saya kalau pasal jalan ni mmg ada unsur2 tak boleh harap sikit...
Bapak mmg drift memanjang lah kekekeke...
Aida tido jer sbb dia dah mengantuk dan dah biasa..
me menikmati jer drift2 tu hehehe.
Kawasan Rekreasi dan Pusat Renjer telah ditubuhkan untuk Gng. Senyum.
malam tu tido kat tempat orang beri ucapan kat tempat rekreasi tu..simen tiles tu mmg sejuk.
saya dgn bermurah hati telah memberi sleeping bag kepada Petai sbb tak sampai hati tengok dia tido bersejuk.
ingat kan cukup panas lah dgn jaket bulu angsa Bapak..
tapi pastu ada sikit2 unsur buruk siku gak lah sbb tak tahan sejuk simen tu kan hahahaha..padan muka.
Thanks Bapak sbb kasi clarimat.
so the gents tested their cameras..
Bapak,Panther dan Nazry tak habis2 amik gamba serangga yg berkumpul kat lampu tu.
(beauftiful misty morning)
mengikut Paitot ada paling kurang 20 buah gua batu kapur di kawasan sekitar itu.
mmg seharian meninjau gua2 lah i tell u...
paling saya takut Gua Tok Long yg ada makam tu..tak berani lah i!
kita boleh melihat batu karang pernah hidup di dinding2 gua2 ini.
ini kerana gua2 ini sebenarnya adalah Dasar Laut pada jutaan tahun dahulu.
when the Tectonic Plates seperated and built the world we live in today,
some parts of the bottom of the sea moved, collided, and were pushed up,
menjadi tanah2 tinggi,gunung ganang dan banjaran2 yg kita lihat sekarang.
itu lah ciptaan Tuhan..we can never emulate that.
(sempat posing lagi semua)
tapi Bapak boleh psaiko dia sehingga lah Mira sampai ke atas ... cayalah!
apa yg cayalah? Cayalah Bapak ke cayalah Mira?
cayalah Bapak power psaiko dan cayalah Mira kerana berjaya memanjat batu yg curam itu! yeay!
(Mira sedang memanjat sambil dipsaiko oleh Bapak dari belakang)
agak suspen pada mulanya kerana kereta Mongkut tidak dapat start...sejuk sgt sebab itu lah.tapi nasib baik dapat start akhirnya..last call itu berjaya! yeay!
kalau tak kena la rentas ladang sawit jalan kaki lebih kurang satu jam...errkk.
the climb was awesome.
it was fun...but dangerous of course!
"byk batu2 bergerak" pesan Paitot.
(lihatlah gambar Aida ni..menggambarkan begitu payahnya nak mendaki haa)
ohhh in fact it scared the hell out of us all !!! hehe.(curam air mata darah itu)
semua orang kehabisan air kecuali air yg belum masak yg dibawa oleh Nazry...
tu yg Bapak buat masak bihun dan air kopi tu...sedapnyaaaa.
(agak2 dalam 4 jam kot)
but the view was wonderful..we were lucky the weather was good..
puas lah tengok pemandangan kat atas tu...
Bapak kata "kita naik untuk ini jer? 485 meter?" kekekekek..

all in all it was great...
alhamdullilah semua ok and we went back happy walaupun Petai dan Bapak dah lambat masuk kerja hehehehe...
Thank you everyone!
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briefly introducing...
- Aku Comel
- Subang Jaya
- Everything written here are from my experience & personal opinions. Thank you for reading.