I know it's late from the start of 2010, and a few months later after the Hijrah 1431..and now..already Chinese New Year (^_^)
There were many resolutions I managed to list down last year and the year before, but till date still has not manage to either execute or just about to start or only just half-way or not even near to half-way accomplishment.

At this very moment while typing these words, I am listening to the song called Heart's Rain (Xin Yu) perghhhh..tajuk pun dah feeling habis ok! Hati menangis dan berhujan ok! ...agagagaga
I feel like time is passing by so fast,as I am, hastily trying but failing to catch up...and it's leaving me empty.
I received a sweet sms on the first day of 2010..it said "Happy New Year..Run a New Life & Forget the Past"
Reading this suddenly gave me a knock on the head...He's right..I think I have not let go of the past...eh..and I forgot to say thank you to the person who sent me that sms gagaga.

But it is easier to plan...and to dream.
At the moment the next song End of the World (Shi Jie Mo Ri) is playing...
I don't want my world to end just yet..and I don't want to give up so soon though I feel I almost going to.
I don't have enough to bring along for my ermm after life hahah
Oh...minggu depan hendak berangkat ke umrah untuk kali kedua.
Kali ni yang ikut bersama adalah saudara-mara dan rakan-rakan.
Ada pakcik kat opis berpesan..."you kena bimbing diaorang ni (rakan-rakan saya) masa kat sana.."
Alamak..saya membimbing jemaah? Gulppp (telan air liur) ....sangat risau.
Bimbing diri sendiri pon belum tentu lepas ni..
Lagi belum sempat buat revision/ulangkaji untuk ibadat umrah ni..
So many things to do...Tuhanku, please give me the chance and space to settle them all.
Rabbir Yassir Wala Tu'assir Rabbi Tammim Bil Khair( Permudah kan lah urusanku, jangan lah Engkau susahkan urusanku, semoga segala urusanku berakhir dengan kebaikan) ...Amin Ya Rabbalamin.
"Dan aku amat merindui Tanah Suci..sentiasa..."